Creating a Track a Day

I’m a musician that had an accident and was left with some permanent consequences. I couldn’t play the way that I used to, so I decided to change my direction. Now I am back creating music in a different way.

Follow my journey as I travel down the path of creating a track every day and learn, grow, and expand the creative process. My initial production will be created exclusively on an iPad!

I’ll be exploring iOS software and a few programs and learning as I go.

I am publishing on Soundcloud at the moment and will expand the collection of tracks as I have time.

I was a drummer until I fell three stories and shattered my elbow and wrist among other things along the way.

I had several injuries along the way and fought some nasty infections and over 30 surgeries and two years of rehabilitation

The Before

Looker in the 80’s (Great Times)

The Fall & The Long Road Back

It’s been years and I’m always searching for ways to improve myself and add value to the world.

I believe that everyone has a gift and the opportunity to bring value to the world. I hope this finds you well and you are able to find and share your value and create something that you love and a few others enjoy it as well.

#kindnessiscool #smilesarefree

Enjoy the day

